Gaining an Edge in Ethanol Process Efficiency
Establishing ‘green’-driven, economically sustainable processes in the ethanol biofuels industry is key to the industry’s ultimate success and the ‘greening’ of the marketplace. But to meet the challenge of economic sustainability in ethanol means you must maximize process thermal efficiency and optimize uptime while minimizing costly maintenance. Fortunately Tranter’s plate heat exchanger (PHE) technology helps accomplish exactly that.
Dry or wet milling, acid or enzymatic hydrolysis, catalytic or bioreactor gasification…the more advanced your process technology, the more you need PHEs. The advantages apply to any feedstock—whether corn, wheat, casava, sugar cane, switchgrass, municipal wastes or wood wastes.
PHE Ethanol Applications:
- Biomass dryer heating banks
- Batch hydrolysis vessel heating surfaces
- Evaporator heating banks
- Evaporator economizers
- Economizing and heat recovery
- Blow heat recovery
- Yeast coolers
- Beer/mash interchangers
- Thermal control of fermentation
- Vent condensers
- Distillation column heating surfaces
- Syrup condensers
- Ethanol preheaters
- Molecular sieve regeneration condensers
- Anhydrous condensers and coolers
Contact MECO today for all of your Tranter heat exchanger needs!